


This 隐私政策 discloses the policies of hiemcz.libradekor.com (the Website) and its operator 十大棋牌游戏排行. 公司. (collectively we or us) regarding the collection, use and disclosure of information 你 submit to us through the Website.


By accessing or otherwise using the Website, 你 agree to the terms and conditions of this 隐私政策, which is incorporated into and forms a part of the Website's terms of service. You expressly consent to the processing and use of 你r information as described herein.


We collect certain "Personal Information" about 你 which may include, 但不限于, information that is personally identifiable such as 你r name, 电子邮件地址, address, 用户标识号, credit card information and other associated non-public information. We also collect data that is associated with the foregoing, as well as "Anonymous Information,,这是与您的个人信息不关联或链接的信息, 根据我们的理解, permit the identification of individual persons.

Collection of Personal Information

We collect Personal Information 你 voluntarily submit to us through the Website. It is optional for 你 to utilize this Website. If 你 elect to utilize certain aspects of this Website, we may ask 你 to provide us with certain personal information about 你rself, such as 你r first and last name, mailing address (including zip code), 公司名称, email address and telephone number. When 你 order products or services, we may also ask 你 to provide us with 你r credit card number, expiration date and authentication codes or related information. If 你 do not provide certain mandatory information for a particular activity that requires it, 你 will not be permitted to engage in that activity. 我们可以举办比赛, 抽奖或其他需要您注册并提供额外个人信息的竞赛. 在这种情况下,我们将收集您参与此类活动时所提供的信息. 另外, we reserve the right to collect any other information that 你 voluntarily enter, including Personal Information, 进入任何职位, 评论, 反馈, 或网站上的论坛.

我们可能, but are in no way obligated to, 提供推荐或告诉其他程序,允许您向朋友推荐网站或文章. If 你 choose to do so, we will ask for 你r referral's name and email address. 我们将自动向您的朋友发送一个或多个与您购买的产品有关的通信或邀请他或她访问本网站. The communication will allow the referral to unsubscribe from further communications. 我们收集这些信息的唯一目的是发送访问本网站的邀请, sending their product and tracking the success of any referral program. We will also collect 你r 电子邮件地址 and the full content of 你r e-mail, 包括附件, and other information 你 provide. 我们可能 use and display 你r full name and email address to 你r referral. 另外, we use 你r email address to contact 你 about the status of 你r referral.

Collection of Anonymous Information

我们使用技术被动地收集和存储某些与特定识别用户无关的匿名信息,其中可能包括, 但不限于 你r Internet protocol address, browser type and operating system. We, 或我们授权的第三方代表可能会使用cookie和导航数据(如统一资源定位器(URL))来收集有关您访问的日期和时间的信息, 您立即访问的网站以及您访问网站后立即访问的网站. It will also collect data about the use of the Website including what programs, 应用程序, advertisements and terms 你 searched, 已浏览或点击. Should 你 be directed to any other site from the Website, 我们不对其他网站的行为负责,本隐私政策不适用于该网站.

我们可能 engage in re市场营销 to market our sites across the web. When a user visits our site, a cookie is dropped on the user. 拥有此cookie的用户可能会成为跨广告网络接收相关广告的目标.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

Except as otherwise stated in this 隐私政策, 我们不卖, 贸易, 租金, 或出于营销目的与与我们合作的第三方以外的任何第三方共享我们收集的个人信息.

在一般情况下, we use Personal Information 你 provide to provide 你 access to the Website and its services, 改善本网站, tailor the features to 你 and to offer 你 additional information, 机会, 我们的促销活动和功能,或您应要求在网站上查询的特定广告商.

您的个人信息可能会披露给与我们合作的第三方服务提供商,以提供网站上的某些服务,并帮助我们与您沟通. 例子包括, 但不限于, 发送电子邮件, 分析数据, 市场营销, processing payments (including credit card payments), 提供客户服务. 我们希望我们的第三方服务提供商不会使用这些信息,除非有必要向我们提供相关服务.

我们也可能与您从本网站查询和/或购买产品的广告商共享您的部分或全部个人信息(信用卡信息除外). If 你 do not want any Personal Information shared with the advertisers, then do not click on their advertisements or purchase their products from the Website.

我们还保留从您提供的个人信息中创建匿名信息记录的权利,通过排除我们认为善意的信息来防止其被直接识别为特定用户,例如您的姓名. 这将包括您提供给我们的任何评论或反馈,这些评论或反馈将成为我们的财产,我们保留出于我们认为适当的任何原因永久编辑您的个人信息的任何此类材料的权利, 但不限于, 市场营销 and or improvement of the Website, without royalties or compensation to 你. 任何此类匿名信息均受适用于所有匿名信息的本隐私政策条款的约束.

我们可能会与我们在同一控制下的关联公司共享您的部分或全部个人信息, 在这种情况下, we will require them to honor this 隐私政策.

If we go through a business transition such as a merger, 被其他公司收购, or sale of all or a portion of our assets, 你r Personal Information may be transferred. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur and are permitted by this 隐私政策. 通过商业转让获得任何个人信息的买方将受本隐私政策的约束,直到买方根据本隐私政策进行修订.

We reserve the right to disclose 你r Personal Information if we believe that such disclosure is necessary to (a) comply with relevant laws or to respond to subpoenas or warrants served on us; or (b) to protect and defend our rights or property, 你, 或者第三方. You consent to us sharing 你r Personal Information under the circumstances described herein.

Use and Disclosure of Anonymous Information

本隐私政策不限制我们以任何方式使用或披露任何匿名信息, and we reserve the right to use and disclose Anonymous Information to our partners, advertisers and other third parties in our absolute discretion.

The Ability of Others to View Your Information

当您使用本网站时, certain information 你 post or provide on the publicly available portions of the Website, may become publicly available and may be collected and used by others, including people outside of the control of the Website. 对于您发布到本网站公开部分的任何信息,我们没有义务.

Third Party Sites and Advertising

The Website may contain links to other sites. 我们不对此类其他网站的隐私惯例或内容负责,本隐私政策不适用于任何其他网站. 我们对任何其他网站的隐私惯例不做任何陈述,无论我们是否在这些网站上做广告或从我们的网站提供到这些网站的链接.


Should 你 receive a promotional email from us, 您可以根据电子邮件上的退订指示,选择不接收我们的其他促销电子邮件通讯. You may also contact us directly at 客户.service@libradekor.com. 这适用于促销通信,而不是行政通信,我们认为是必要的,以提供本网站的服务.

Disclaimer of Guaranty of Security

We believe we have taken reasonable steps to protect 你r Personal Information. 没有人能够完全保证或完全消除与个人信息相关的所有风险,我们也不作此类保证.


This 隐私政策 is subject to occasional changes at our discretion. 我们将在本页上发布任何此类更改,并可能在网站上发布其他提醒或通过电子邮件通知此类更改. If 你 disagree with any such changes, please cease using the Website. 在发布任何此类更改后继续使用表示您接受这些更改.



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